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Factors That Affect the Taste of the Wines in Your Wine Cellar in Los Angeles, CA

Wine is one of the most enjoyable drinks. There are different types of wines and people have varied preferences of wines. Wine collectors differ on the content of their residential custom wine cellar depending on what they like best. The question is, what all affects the taste of wine? In this article, learn a few of the various factors that can affect the taste of wine.

Basic Factors That Affect How Wine Tastes

For most people, wine has become a staple beverage for special occasions and gatherings. It is an enjoyable beverage and comes in several varieties to choose from. This is why a lot of people opt to have their own home custom wine cellar built in Los Angeles, CA; so that they can access their wine at any time.

A genuine wine lover should have an extensive knowledge  of wines, and should also continue learning more about the wines included in their wine collection. Regardless of the types of wine a wine collector prefers, it’s always helpful to gain a better understanding of which factors affect the flavor of wines.

These are the basic factors known to affect the flavor of the wines in a home custom wine cellar in Los Angeles, California:

1. Grape Variety

The single most influential factor that affects the flavor of wine is the type of grape from which it was made. In reality, it is impossible to count the actual number of grape varieties in the world. Italy alone boasts of more than a thousand types of grapes.

Each type of grape has its own distinct character. One of the interesting things that wine enthusiasts do is find words that can precisely describe the smell and taste of a particular grape. In this case, personal impressions of a single grape type can vary enormously, but a number of common responses are recorded by wine tasters.

Wine Cellar Wines California

What affects the flavor of wines in a wine cellar?

2. Vineyard 

The climate, altitude and soil composition of the vineyard wherein the grapes were grown largely affects the ultimate flavor of a given wine. A few more extra degrees of warmth in a region can make a wine taste more exotic, and have tropical flavors. Altitude, on the other hand, makes a wine more acidic, which also affects the taste. Grape varieties that were grown in different parts of the same country can have significant flavor differences when a number of different latitudes are involved. Vineyards close to the sea tend to have grapes that ripen more slowly than grapes grown in hot, insulated, inland vineyards.

3. Oak

It is a traditional practice to ferment wine in oak barrels, and it is within these barrels that wines acquire their vanilla aromas and toasty flavors. There are many species of oak, which fall into two categories: European and American. The type of oak barrel used for aging wine affects how the final product will taste.

4. Tannin and Acidity

There is an advantage to being able to recognize the presence of tannin in wine. The presence of tannin can give you a clue of the wine’s potential longevity. It can also tell about the grape variety from which it was made.

The tannin in wine comes from the skins, stems and pips of the grapes used in the wine making process. Tannins can also come from the wooden barrels wherein the wine was fermented. Some grapes are low in tannin, while others are rich in it. Tannins in wine decrease over time, and therefore, if a certain wine has high tannin content, it most probably will be better tasting when allowed to age in a residential wine cellar before consumption.

Grapes also vary in their level of natural acidity, and the differences occur not only from one variety of grapes to another, but also from one region to another. It is the presence of acids that makes an alcoholic fruit juice into a refreshing glass of wine. But in order to achieve this, there needs to be a balance of acidity. Well balanced acidity helps inhibit the effects of harmful bacteria. and makes wine taste fresh.

5. Time

Generally, as wine gets older, its flavor and aroma will dramatically change. When wines are allowed to mature, harsh tannins soften, acids and alcohol interact and form esters, and primary fruit flavors evolve into complex bouquets. Wine is said to have reached a platform of drinkability when mature fruit and alcohol are in balance. This balance can take years to develop.

In order for wines to mature tastefully, they need to be kept in controlled climate conditions. The temperature, for example, should be kept within the ideal range of 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, while the humidity should remain around 70%. There should be minimal fluctuations in these climate conditions.

The most ideal place to age wine is in a home custom wine cellar in Los Angeles, CA. A residential custom wine cellar, when properly built, with the right insulation and efficient wine cellar cooling system, can provide wines with the necessary conditions in order for them to develop their flavors and aromas.

There are many different kinds of wine cellars in Los Angeles, California. Regardless of the kind you prefer, make sure that it is constructed by a professional wine cellar builder. Coastal Custom Wine Cellars is one of the most competent wine cellar builders in California. Their wine cellars are not only durable and functional, but also come in various styles and designs to choose from. Coastal offers free 3D wine cellar design drawing to their clients at the initial consultation. Their team of wine cellar builders is trained to work alongside clients, from the planning phase of the wine cellar construction up to its completion.

Wine Cellar California

Keep Wines in a Proper Wine Storage Solution

Coastal Custom Wine Cellars is partners with the best companies in the wine storage industry, to make sure that the wine cellars they build in Los Angeles, CA meet their standard of quality. Coastal is known for consistently meeting their customers’ satisfaction.

For more information about Coastal Custom Wine Cellars, and their products and services, contact them today at +1 (888) 735-8889.

Identifying Wines That Can Be Stored in a Custom Wine Cellar in Los Angeles, California

A lot of people think that all wines taste better when allowed to age. The fact is, some wines can be enjoyed immediately after purchase, while others should be allowed to mature for some time first. Wines that need to be allowed to age should be kept in a home wine cellar in Los Angeles, California. Learn how to determine whether a certain wine should be cellared or not.

The Purpose of Storing Wines in a Residential Custom Wine Cellar in CA

Wines in a Custom Wine Cellar

Various Wines in a Wine Cellar in California

When people think of wine, they often think of a wine cellar or some storage room to keep them in. Why should wines be stored in a home wine cellar in Los Angeles, California? If you ask around, the common reasons wine enthusiasts cellar wine include:

  1. Starting a wine collection to earn money,since the value of wine increases over time.
  2. Having a keen interest in a particular wine region or vintage and wanting to stock up.
  3. A personal preference for old wine, and wanting to have some to enjoy from time to time.

If you look at these three reasons, there is a common denominator for cellaring wine. The primary purpose of a wine cellar is to provide a safe place for wines to be stored and aged. But not all wines need to be cellared; some wines can be enjoyed immediately after purchase.

4 Characteristics of Wines That Taste Better When Allowed to Age

Wines in a Wine Cellar CA

Which Wines Should be Kept in a Wine Cellar for Long Term Wine Storage?

If you intend to have a residential custom wine cellar, you must know which wines should be allowed to age before drinking, and which wines should not be cellared. Determining whether a wine will age well or not is not an exact science. But generally, wines that age well have 4 characteristics in common. Learn these characteristics, to judge which wines you should keep in your residential custom wine cellar in Los Angeles, CA.

  1. Check for Acidity.

Wines that taste better when allowed to age are usually more acidic. As wine is allowed to mature, it slowly loses its acid and flattens out. Wines that are not very acidic will not taste good if allowed to age. Check the label of a wine that you intend to buy, to find out whether it is good to keep in a home custom wine cellar in Los Angeles, California or not.

  1. Check for Tannin Content. 

Tannins come from the pips and skins of grapes that were used during wine making. They can also come from oak aging. Many wine experts have observed that wines with higher levels of tannins tend to mature better than wines with lesser tannin content. Tannins break down over time, and therefore wines with higher tannin content taste better when allowed to age. If a certain wine does not have enough tannin to begin with, its flavor will not improve over time.

  1. Check for Alcohol Level.

Alcohol is volatile in non-fortified wines. High levels of alcohol in wine cause it to turn to vinegar more quickly. Generally, the lower the level of alcohol in a certain type of wine, the longer the wine will last, and the better it will taste as it ages.

  1. Check for Residual Sugar.

A lot of people overlook the sugar content of wines, because these days, aging dry wines is becoming more popular. But according to many wine experts, wines that are sweet, like Port, Sherry, Sauternes and Riesling, are better tasting when allowed to age.

Other Issues That Affect the Aging of Wine

Yes, it is important to determine which wines taste better when allowed to age in a residential custom wine cellar in Los Angeles, California. But besides the wine itself being the right wine to age, there are other things that affect how long a wine should age for (if at all). One of those things is the wine cork.

Wine Corks Affect How Wines Age

The quality of wine corks used in a wine bottle can affect how a wine ages. Even if a wine has all of the characteristics that can make it mature tastefully, if the cork used in its bottling is of poor quality, the wine will still not taste good when allowed to age in a wine cellar. Here are a few things about wine corks that you should know:

  1. Where Wine Corks Come From.

Wine corks are made from the bark of the cork tree. The tree is not cut down. Also, only up to half of the tree’s bark is removed at any one time. After highly skilled people remove the bark, it is allowed to grow back. Corks, therefore, are a more eco-friendly option to sealing wine bottles compared to plastic bottle stoppers.

  1. The Sustainability of Corks.

Aside from cork, there are different kinds of materials used for wine bottle stoppers, like plastic and aluminum. Plastic is not biodegradable, while aluminum takes a lot of energy to manufacture. Although cork is not a perfect product, it has been proven to stand very well against synthetic closures, in terms of sustainability and environmental impact.

Top Wine Cellar Designer and Builder in Los Angeles, California

Wine Cellars CA

Wine Cellars Built in California

If you plan to start your own wine collection of wines that will taste better when allowed to age, you must have a residential custom wine cellar built in your own home. There are many wine cellar construction companies in California. Coastal Custom Wine Cellars is one of the most reliable wine cellar designers and builders in Los Angeles, California.

Coastal Custom Wine Cellars designs and builds wine storage solutions in Los Angeles, CA, both for residential and commercial purposes. They have also partnered with the best in the industry, like US Cellar Systems, to create effective wine storage solutions. Their services include free initial design consultation, with free 3D drawings of your dream residential custom wine cellar. Their wine cellar experts are always willing to work with their clients, from the planning stage of the wine cellar construction, up to its completion. For more information about Coastal Custom Wine Cellars, and their products and services, contact them today at +1 (888) 735-8889!

Myths about Wines – Things a Wine Enthusiast Should Know

Wines are very enjoyable beverages. They are great for special occasions and celebrations, as well as every day enjoyment. If you love wine, you have probably heard a lot of myths about it. Learn a few of the most popular myths about wines, and which are true (or not true).

Understanding Your Wine Collection More – Knowing Myths from Facts

Wines in a Custom Wine Cellar

Identify the Myths About Wines!

More and more people in Los Angeles, California are investing in their very own residential custom wine cellars, and starting wine collections. In order to enjoy wine more, a wine collector should have an adequate understanding of wines. Along with that, they should identify the myths about wine. Here are a few of the most popular myths about wine:

1. Eliminate the Sulfites in Wine

There are many discussions online about the dangers of sulfites to our health. Recent studies show that sulfites are actually almost totally benign, but most people are still unwilling to accept that fact, and they insist on eliminating sulfites from wine. The reality is that all fermented products contain sulfites. Sulfites are a by-product of yeast metabolism. Even if a certain wine is made with unsulfured grapes, and no sulfite is added during the fermentation, said wine will still contain sulfites. Therefore, the only solution is to stop drinking wine.

2. Homemade Wine is All Bad and Can Make You Blind

This is actually a very common misconception about wine. The reality is that no matter what it tastes or looks like, wine fermented in food-grade containers will always be safer to drink than tap water. Wine has a low pH level and high alcohol content, which makes it uninhabitable for disease-causing organisms. There was even a time in human history when the only tool in a physician’s cabinet was a wine bottle. Wine, before the medical revolution of the 20th century, was used as an antiseptic for wounds, a pain killer for injuries, and a surcease for troubled minds.

There is no basis to the belief that homemade wine as sour or of inferior quality. Of course, there will always be times when a consumer-produced wine is poorly made and improperly fermented. But having an experience with a bad tasting homemade wine should not cause one to generalize all homemade wines as bad.

3. Rack Wines Early and Rack Them Often

Racking is the process of separating wine from its sediments, thus leaving it clear. A few wine experts recommend wine makers rack their wine immediately, to get rid of any visible sediment and thereby avoid H2S contamination. A common mistake that beginner wine collectors commit is fiddling with their wine too often. Even once wines have adjusted, finished fermenting, and are fully stable, they should be allowed to rest undisturbed in a durable wine racking system.

4. All Wines Improve with Age

Although it is true that many wines should be allowed to age in a home custom wine cellar before they are consumed, there are exceptions. There are a number of wines that are intended for immediate consumption. Different wines have different aging recommendations. For example, a light, delicate white wine like Trebbiano will fully develop it flavor aroma if allowed to age from 6 months to 1 year. But there are also certain wines that need to age for a decade or more to reach their peak quality. Get to know the wine you purchase before deciding whether to consume it immediately or to allow it to age first. If you do allow it to age, check how long it should be left in the residential wine cellar in Los Angeles, California.

5. White Wines are Best Served Cold, While Red Wines Should be Served at Room Temperature

Although you may drink wine at any temperature you want, traditional ideas on what temperatures certain wines should be served at require a little interpretation. Wines should not be served too cold, because, besides your palate being numbed by the cold, the flavors will also be repressed. On the other hand, if wine is served too warm, the tannins can become over-soft, and the alcohol unpleasantly dominant. The ideal serving temperature for white wines is between 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, while most red wines should be served at a temperature between 62 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Champagne, on the other hand, should be served icy cold, to achieve the maximum nose-tickling pleasure. Light and fruity red wines like Dolcetto and Beaujolais Nouveau should be lightly chilled, to enhance their fruity character.

6. Any Type of Wine Cellar Refrigeration Unit Will Do

Another myth that many beginner wine collectors believe is that they can have any type of wine cellar refrigeration system installed in their wine storage room. The fact is, different wine cellars have different storage requirements, and thus, will need a wine cellar cooling unit that can meet those specific requirements. A wine cellar’s storage requirements depends on how big the storage room is, how many wines are stored in it, the climate outside the wine cellar, etc. Have an HVAC professional determine the appropriate wine cellar cooling system for your wine storage space.

7. A Wine Cellar is Not Very Important

If you are not willing to invest in an effective wine storage solution, you shouldn’t start a wine collection. A wine storage solution is essential, because without one, your wines will go bad. The most ideal wine storage solution is a wine cellar built in your own home. A residential wine cellar, designed and constructed by a professional wine cellar builder, can provide your wines with the ideal temperature and humidity that they require.

Wine Cabinets CA

Different Kinds of Wine Storage Solutions in California

Coastal Custom Wine Cellars is one of the leading wine cellar builders in Los Angeles, California. They offer free consultations for their clients as well as free 3D drawings of their desired custom wine cellar design. Coastal builds wine storage solutions both for commercial and residential purposes, and they work alongside their clients from the design phase of the wine cellar construction project until its completion. For more information about Coastal and their products and services, call them today at (888) 735-8889!

Wine Cabinets in Orange County, California – What Makes a Good One?

Wine cabinets are a one of the most popular choices of wine storage solutions. They are effective in preserving wines, and allowing them to age properly. In this article, learn about the elements of an effective wine cabinet, so that you can choose the right one for your wine collection.

Wine Cabinet – An Ideal Wine Storage Solution

Wines are among the most enjoyable beverages on the market. But wines cannot be enjoyed at their best if they are not stored properly. A true wine enthusiast understands that there is a need to invest in a good wine storage solution if you want to enjoy wine.

In Orange County, California, there are various wine storage solution options to choose from, one of which is a wine cabinet.

Wine cabinets are a cost-efficient choice for those who are on a tight budget for their wine storage. Also, wine cabinets are a great option for those who have limited space in the house.

Wine Cabinet Designs

Wine Cabinets by Coastal Custom Wine Cellars

What are the Elements of an Effective Wine Cabinet

Wine cabinets have to be built properly for them to be effective in providing the ideal wine storage conditions for your wines to age and develop tastefully. When choosing a wine cabinet to purchase in Orange County, California, there are certain elements that you should consider to make sure that you are picking the right one. Here are the basic elements of an efficient wine cabinet:

1. Type of Wood Used and Stain Applied

Wine cabinets that are manufactured abroad usually have their exterior made from synthetic wood or plastic wood laminates. Wine cabinets made locally, on the other hand, use quality wood species like Oak and Redwood for the exterior of their wine cabinets. There are times that a wine cabinet manufacturing company will offer you a choice of what wood or finish to use, but sometimes they won’t. If no choices are available, that simply means that the wine cabinet is not custom-designed for you. Custom wine cabinets are always the better option because you have the liberty to choose not only the design of the cabinet but also the type of wood used and the type of stains and finishes applied.

The ideal custom wine cabinet should be made from durable wood. The finish and stain applied should not be high in VOC, which can alter the flavor of your wines.

2. Proper Insulation Applied

When purchasing a wine cabinet, checking the insulation used is imperative. Poor insulation will make it hard for the wine cabinet cooling unit to function efficiently and render the wine storage solution ineffective. The insulation used should be the best type available, foil-covered polyisocyanurate foam with an R-Value of 7.2. Moreover, make sure that all the seams in the wine cabinet are properly sealed so that there is an airtight environment inside the wine cabinet.

3. Make Sure it is Built by Trusted Wine Cabinet Builders

Wine cabinets have to be built by an expert because a wine storage solution has many construction specifications that you or even a carpenter does not know. Wine storage experts make sure that every detail to make the wine cabinet an efficient wine storage solution, is covered.

There are various wine cabinet designers and builders in Orange County, California. One of the leading companies is Coastal Custom Wine Cellars. They design and construct various kinds of wine storage solutions besides wine cabinets, and they are known for always meeting their customers’ satisfaction. Coastal only uses quality materials in the construction of their wine storage solution products. They also have wine storage experts available for consultations and provide free 3D drawings of the wine cabinet design that they want.

4. Check the Hinges Used

There are basically two kinds of hinges that can be used for wine cabinets in California: continuous or piano hinges and refrigerator hinges. Continuous hinges are the most ideal options because they are very effective in sealing the wine cabinet door.

5. Check for Quality Wine Racking

Wine racks are the resting places of your wines. They are where you will lay down your wine bottles. They have to be, therefore, durable. There are many wine racking options available in Orange County, California. Wine racks can have different sizes, styles, designs, and materials used. The most popular material is wood. Wooden wine racks can also be made from a variety of wood type options and different stain options too. To make sure that your wines are safe, choose only wine racks made from durable materials. If you do choose wood, choose from the high quality wood species like Redwood, Pine, Mahogany and Oak.

6. Choose Durable Wine Cabinet Glass Doors

Ideally, glass doors should be used for wine cabinets so that you can view your wines and their labels from the outside without having to open the wine storage solution. Frequent opening of the wine cabinet door can negatively affect the temperature and humidity inside the wine cabinet, and consequently, damage the wines. Moreover, wine cabinet doors should be made from durable materials and help maintain and airtight environment inside the wine cabinet.

7. Wine Cabinets Should Have a Quality Wine Cabinet Cooling Unit Installed

No wine storage solution is ever complete or functional without a cooling unit installed. A wine cabinet cooling system is a vital part of your wine cabinet. Each wine storage solution has different storage requirements, and therefore, need different kinds of wine cabinet cooling systems. An effective wine cabinet cooling unit is able to provide the ideal temperature and humidity inside the wine cabinet so that the wines can age and develop properly. There are many factors that are checked in order to determine the appropriate wine cabinet cooling system for you including the size of your wine cabinet, the type of insulation used, and the number of wines in the cabinet. Have a wine cooling expert determine what refrigeration system is most appropriate for your wine cabinet. Coastal is teamed up with various wine refrigeration systems manufacturers that make quality wine cellar and wine cabinet cooling units to cater to the different wine storage requirements of various wine storage solutions.

Beverly Hills Wine Cellar Installations Los Angeles Designs

Beverly Hills Wine Cellar Installations Los Angeles Designs – A Processed Video Transcription 

Beverly Hills Wine Cellar Installations Los Angeles Designs


Thank you for visiting Coastal Custom Wine Cellars.

We’ll take you on a short video tour on a project that we recently completed in Beverly Hills.

Now, you might be wondering how in the world we created a wine cellar from this very, very broad canvas, and unfinished area of the home.

This is a photograph that I took the very first day I visited with Catherine Lampson.

Catherine is the interior designer who I worked with and partnered with to complete this project for the home wine cellar design Los Angeles.

We discussed many things such as bottle capacity, some wine cellar design features, some colors, glass walls versus fixed walls.

We had come up with a good plan and eventually get to these 3D visuals; but I want to take you through some of the photographs.

So, once we decided on a few of these key features, we got to working.  We completed the walls so that indeed we had a little bit more of a framework to work within and to install in.

As you can see the back walls are now completed.  It’s been sealed, insulated, and a moisture-proof drywall has been applied and as you can see the line set and electrical has been installed.

The line set is the wine cellar refrigeration lines and condensate drain lines that are needed for the split refrigeration system.

In this case, we used a dual air wine cellar refrigeration product by Arctic Metalworks of Los Angeles.

There’s also an opening for electrical so we dedicated 20m circuit to run through your compressors and your condensers and such.

We made quite a bit of progress over the weeks and as you can see, the finished product is quite a beautiful work.

Catherine and her team took care of the flooring, Coastal Wine Cellars provide the wine rack design for the custom wine racks, the refrigeration by Arctic Metalworks and we have a seamless glass wall and entry, which was provided by our friends at Glass and Door Design of Los Angeles.

We’re really happy with the result of this wine cellar design Los Angeles project and here’s a little bit more completed or finished room appearance with some furniture in it.

We created a complimentary three-dimensional design package for Catherine and her home owners to take a look at.  This gives you a great visual of how the completed project is going to appear.

The total bottle capacities of the wine rack design are posted on the top right of this page which is referred to as the plan view because it’s an overhead view of the wine room.

The entries there at the bottom of the page just below the letter A.  The letter A indicates elevation A, and of course, dimensions are posted around the perimeter as well.

So, let’s take a look at some of these wine cellar design features that were included in it that you saw in the photographs.

We’ll start from the bottom.

Here on the far left and at the far right you will see some icons that represent wood cases.

Those were the openings that we took a look at earlier for bulk storage.

But indeed you can put wood cases in there or simply just about anything you like actually.

All these custom wine racks by the way rest on a 4-inch toe kick.

You can see that from that side elevation on the right.  It’s referred to as “rack left elevation” and you can see that’s toe kick’s four inches.

All the custom wine racks in between the wood cases are 750-milliliter opening, single-bottle storage openings measuring approximately three and three quarter by three and three quarter that translates to “you’ll be enabled to store standard champagne bottles, Oregon pinots, Ross, California Bluechips.”

Very few bottles will not fit into these openings.

Above the wood cases on the very far left and very far right, you’ll notice those little openings are a bit larger.

These are to accommodate 1.5-liter or magnum bottles above the tabletop area in the center, which is an open area with the solid side panels; above that is the louvered grill cover.

This is on a hinge and indeed conceals the mechanical appearance of the fan coil and the evaporator.

The thermostat is located on the left side of the room as you enter.

The label-forward horizontal displays add a nice touch, I think, and it got a lot of character.

These bottles are labeled forward for horizontal displays and enable you to store one bottle and, although, not visible, up to two bottles behind the visible bottle.

So, we were very happy with this wine cellar design project; the clients were thrilled.

We hope you visit us if you have a wine cellar design Los Angeles project at


Popular California Wineries and Their Must-Try California Wines

There are lots of popular California wineries.  Most of them have wine tasting rooms, which make customers eager to pay a visit, tour the place, and taste their wines.  To make the most out of your winery adventure trip, don’t forget to call and make a reservation a couple of weeks ahead of time, and learn the vineyard touring hours and wine tasting hours.  Following are some of the most popular California wines and the wineries they come from.

1. Semler Malibu Family Wines

Semler Malibu Family Wines is a winery located in Malibu, California, which makes it very accessible to the city of Los Angeles.  It is one of the most popular California wineries, and plants eight varietals, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Malbec, Syrah, Mouvedre, Viognier and Grenache — from intense reds, such as the Semler King of the Mountains Cuvee, to a light Sauvignon Blanc; all of which you can sip during an on-site tasting and are perfect as wine gifts.

California Wineries - Semler Malibu Family Wines

California Wineries – Semler Malibu Family Wines

Presently, Semler has 60,000 vines inside a 65-acre vineyard. Its high altitude, distance from the coast, ideal weather, and rich soil are a perfect setting for nurturing premium species of wine grapes.  It is perfectly placed on the crest of the mountains of Santa Monica, and the steep slopes and rocky terrain are the ideal setting for wine grapes.

  1. Alma Rosa Winery and Vineyards

The Alma Rosa Winery & Vineyards, famous for their Pinot Noir, is located on Buellton, California, and offers an outdoor tasting bar for their California wines during weekends.  This California wine storage has a casual, at-home feel, and has appeared in a film entitled Sideways. 

California Wineries - Alma Rosa Winery and Vineyards

California Wineries – Alma Rosa Winery and Vineyards

Now, Alma Rosa has more than a hundred acres of vineyard — all of which are certified organic. Alma Rosa is one of the wineries California that is well-known for their quality Pinot Noir, and aside from this, they are also well-known for their Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, dry rose Pinot Noir called Vin Gris and the Pinot Gris.  All of Alma Rosa’s wines are food-friendly, and display high acidity – two features balanced perfectly since 1976.

  1. Stryker Sonoma

Pat Stryker has always dreamed of having one of the best California wineries – and she founded it on Alexander Valley in 1999.  Terraced vineyards encircle the glass-walled wine tasting room – an ideal view when you are in Alexander Valley. 

California Wineries - Stryker Sonoma Winery

California Wineries – Stryker Sonoma Winery

Stryker’s California wines, which are also popular wine gifts, include the Bordeaux varieties, Zinfandel and Chardonnay.

Located on a hill near Mayacamas Mountains, Stryker Sonoma is among the wineries California in Sonoma County that exude a peaceful and serene ambience and beauty.  This California wine storage houses wines of old-world custom, mixed with current technological advancement for the gentler treatment of the fruit and the wine.

  1. Ferrari-Carano Vineyards & Winery

The Ferrari-Carano Vineyards and Winery, located in Healdsburg, California, has one of the best Lake Sonoma views.  It has also the best California wines, and is most celebrated for its Chardonnays, which also double as perfect wine gifts.

California Wineries - Ferrari-Carano Vineyards and Wineries

California Wineries – Ferrari-Carano Vineyards and Wineries

You can try their Chardonnay, along with some of their well-known products, in their California wine storage and tasting room located underground – yes, you read it right – at the Enoteca Reserve Tasting Bar & Lounge, where you can also see Lake Sonoma and walk through the winery’s five-acre flower garden with more than 10,000 tulips. 

5. HALL Wines

Napa Valley’s HALL Wines is rested on Rutherford appellation along Auberge Road, and upon reaching the end of the drive, a wine tasting room can be found.  Moreover, another tasting room can be found along Route 29, which is more visited because it is on the main drag.

California Wineries - Hall Wines

California Wineries – Hall Wines

These wine tasting rooms may be small, but they have a cozy feeling, with their windows looking out on the vineyards.  HALL Wines is also famous for its underground wine storage – one of Napa’s most luxurious of this type.

This 500-acre vineyard houses the classic and most celebrated Bordeaux varietals, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Merlot.

These are just a few of the well-known California wineries.  Each is uniquely managed, different practices for farming, and various types of grapes, as well as row orientation.  There are lots of wineries and wine tasting rooms to choose from and visit; of course, you must make phone a reservation before coming over, to make sure that you will be accommodated.

For more information about wineries and proper wine storage, please click on this link or contact us at (888) 735-8889 toll free.

Custom Wine Cellar Accessories: Wine Bottle Openers


Wine Cellars Los Angeles

Custom Wine Cellars by Coastal

Custom wine cellars are the ideal storage places for any kind of wine. Residential custom wine cellars in Los Angeles, California, can effectively provide the environment that wines need to age properly when they are properly designed and constructed.

Residential custom wine cellars are functional when their essential parts are complete, such as the wine racking, the wine cellar door, the wine cellar cooling unit, and the wine cellar flooring. But besides these essential parts of a wine storage room, a wine collector can benefit from having other wine cellar accessories, too.

One of the most useful wine accessories that every home custom wine cellar in Los Angeles, California should have is a wine bottle opener. Learn all about the wine cellar accessory by reading through this article!

Why do you need a Wine Bottle Opener?

Although a lot of the wines in California come with a screw cap seal, there are still many that come with the traditional wine seal: a cork. Wine bottles that are sealed with cork are beautiful. There is something romantic and elegant about the process of popping a cork before you enjoy a good bottle of wine. Popping a wine cork in a celebration makes the gathering a little bit more festive. But there is also nothing more awkward than struggling to dislodge the wine cork from the bottle’s opening. This is why wine bottle openers are necessary. All wine collectors should have a good wine bottle opener around. Make sure that your custom wine cellar has this essential wine cellar accessory.

Various Types of Wine Bottle Openers in California

There are various types of wine bottle openers in Los Angeles, California. Some are inexpensive, while others can be very pricy. There are types that are traditional in style, while there are also those of the cutting edge variety. Here are the popular types of wine bottle openers in California:

1. T Corkscrew Wine Bottle Opener

The most popular type of wine bottle opener on the market is the T corkscrew. This is the original wine corkscrew. Many residential wine cellar owners prefer this type of wine bottle opener over others because of the simplicity of its design.

To use the T corkscrew, you simply plunge the worm helix into the wine cork, turn in a clockwise, motion and pull it out. You have to make sure that the worm helix is properly inserted into the center of the cork, so that you can pull it out efficiently. Otherwise, you’ll get pieces of broken cork in your wine.

2. Lever Corkscrew Wine Bottle Opener

Another popular type of wine bottle opener is the level corkscrew. By its name, this type of wine bottle opener is made up of a lever that is placed on either side of a mechanical corkscrew.

To use this wine bottle opener, you simply push the screw into the cork and then push the levers down gradually until the cork is eased out. Compared to the T corkscrew, this is a lot easier to use. Just make sure that both levels are held down, so that the cork is pulled out evenly.

3. Ah-So Corkscrew Wine Bottle Opener

Another great option for a wine bottle opener is the Ah-So corkscrew. This type of wine bottle opener is a little bit more complicated than the T corkscrew and the level corkscrew. Although it is called a corkscrew, it does not really have an actual metal screw. Instead, it has two prongs, one of which is longer than the other.

To use the Ah-So corkscrew, slowly insert the longer prong in the space between the cork and the wine bottle. Once it’s in place, insert the shorter prong. After you have the two prongs in, gently slide them down until the Ah-So’s handle touches the tip of the wine bottle. Then, with delicate twisting motion, ease out the cork gradually.

4. Waiter’s Friend Corkscrew Wine Bottle Opener

The next type of wine bottle opener is great for those who own a restaurant. Commercial custom wine cellars need to have a waiter’s friend corkscrew. This type of wine bottle opener is very durable and is easy to use.

When using the waiter’s friend corkscrew, you first need to cut the foil capsule under the cork’s rim using a knife or a foil cutter. Once you have exposed the top of the cork, place the waiter’s friend corkscrew’s center in the middle of the cork. Twist and turn the bottle opener all the way down into the cork until the longest lever is touches the lip of the wine bottle. Then, wiggle the cork using the lever, and pull the cork straight out.

5. Electric Wine Bottle Opener

Among all types of wine bottle openers on the market, the electric bottle opener is the easiest to use. Whether you have a residential custom wine cellar or a commercial custom wine cellar, this wine cellar accessory is something that you must have.

Electric wine bottle openers on the market have a one-touch contraption that can open any wine bottle within seconds. You simply need to place the wine bottle opener on top of the cork and push the button so that it buries into the cork. While you hold the bottle with one hand, pull the cork out with the other. Release the cork from the opener by pushing the button in the opposite direction.

Custom Wine Cellars in Los Angeles, California

Wine Cellar Builder CA

Coastal – Wine Cellar Designer in California

Having a wine bottle opener and other wine cellar accessories can help make your wine experience more convenient.

If you are planning to have a custom wine cellar built in Los Angeles, CA, you need to have a wine cellar design expert help you create an effective one. Coastal Custom Wine Cellars takes pride in quality products and services, to meet your wine storage needs. For more information about Coastal Custom Wine Cellars, contact them today at (888) 735-8889.

Popular Wine Cellar Ideas in California

wine storageFor wine connoisseurs, wine is an considered part of their lives, not only a kind of beverage to be served at dinners or parties. This is why many wine collectors in California want to ensure that they have a storage place at home that will provide their prized vintages the perfect conditions and easy access. Some even choose sophisticated wine storage solutions or luxurious designs, even if it means going beyond their budget.

Both the ideal storage environment and luxurious appeal of your collection’s resting place can be achieved by having your custom wine cellar built by an expert. Wine cellars are designed to store wines until they are mature enough to be drunk. The older the wine, the more complex the aromas and flavors it will release.

Nowadays, most residential wine cellars in California are built not only with essential components for proper wine preservation, but also with cutting-edge design. For those who are planning to add a wine cellar to their home or are considering renovating an existing wine room, here are some popular wine cellar ideas that you can take note of.

Closet Wine Cellars

If you don’t have a big room to convert into a refrigerated custom wine cellar, this should not hinder you from having your dream wine cellar at home.  With the creative hands and extensive experience of your chosen wine cellar builder, even a small closet can be transformed into an impressive walk-in wine cellar that can be the envy of your friends.

Since the main goal is to achieve the ideal temperature of 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels of 50-70 percent, it is recommended that a suitable wine cooling system is installed. If your closet is small, a cooling system of lower cooling capacity would ideally control the climate in the room, and vice versa.

For the wine rack system of small closet wine cellars, modular wine racking systems are commonly used. Some modular wine racks come with built-in tasting table top and stemware storage. An important thing to keep in mind when purchasing modular wine racks is to make sure that they suit the dimensions of your closet, or else your beautiful wine storage closet will turn into a mess.

For wine collectors who have bigger space and want more unique appeal, custom wine racking is more preferable. Customizing wine racks allows your own creativity and style to be incorporated into your wine cellar.

Basement Wine Cellars

Basement Wine Storage Room

Stacking wine in just area of the house such as in kitchen cabinets, drawers, boxes, or under the sink will ruin it. Wine needs to be stored in a dark, cool, and humid place. Proper wine storage conditions allow for graceful aging of wine.  When aged properly, wine is more flavorful and the aromas it releases are desirable.

If you are considering building a wine cellar at home, your basement is considered the most ideal place for storage. Why? Because the humidity levels in the basement are more consistent and basements have less or no direct contact with sunlight.

A basement wine cellar can be “passive,” or naturally cooled. It uses the underground temperature (depending on where you live and the season) to control temperature fluctuations.

In the summer, heat gained through the foundation of a naturally-cooled wine room can be a problem. Some modern home owners add a heating system or a few appliances in their passive wine storage in the basement. Doing so can increase the temperature in the room and pose danger to the wines stored in it.

An active wine cellar in the basement is cooled using a wine cooling system. Compared to a passive wine cellar, a climate-controlled wine cellar is highly recommended to give complete control of the temperature and humidity level in the room. This will keep the cork moist, preventing spoilage of your valuable wines.

While installing a cooling unit is another expense, keeping your wine safe all the time will save you money in the long run.

Wine Cellar with a Home Tasting Bar

There are many inspiring wine cellar ideas that you can use to add aesthetic appeal to your home. One of these is to build a wine cellar that has multiple functions. For example, if you’re planning to renovate your spacious dining area, you can transform it into an elegant wine storage and a tasting bar.

Wine Cellar with Tasting Bar

You can even request your wine cellar designer to incorporate some special features, such as a stemware storage rack where you can hang the wine glasses, a cigar humidor, and a lot more. You may also want a “green” feature in your wine cellar such as reclaimed oak wine barrel flooring, tabletops, and wine racking. Another elegant piece of art that you can use is a wine barrel carving, which is a trend in many residential wine cellars in California.

Since wine is perishable, it is important to install a cooling unit in your dining area. Elegance and proper wine storage must go together to prevent waste of investment.

Useful Wine Cellar Tips to Keep in Mind

The wine rack styles that you want to use should be based on the size of the room and the ambiance that you want to create in your wine cellar. You can opt for semi-custom wine racks which are readily built. These wine rack kits include wine rectangular bins, diamond bins, curved corner racks, and a lot more.

For those who want a fully-customize residential wine cellar, you must discuss all your specific wine storage needs, requirements, budget, and the overall look that you want your wine room to have during the design phase.

It is also vital to determine the material for your wine racks. Wooden wine storage racks are sturdy and very appealing. Metal wine racks are known for their durability. They are sleek, making them ideal for a contemporary home. Your choice of wine rack design and material should depend on the existing décor of your home, size of your collection, and room and budget.

Elegant Wooden Wine Cellar Racking

Contemporary Metal Wine Racking

Contemporary Metal Wine Racking

Whatever type of wine cellar you want to have or wherever it is located, a wine cellar refrigeration system should be installed to regulate the two most important factors in proper wine preservation: temperature and humidity.

Let a Wine Cellar Expert Bring Your Wine Cellar Ideas into Reality

Wine Cellars by Coastal has been in the wine cellar industry for several years, designing and installing wine cellars in and around California. Their aim is to provide their clients the efficient and state-of-the-art wine storage solution.

They will ensure that the essential components of your wine cellar such as the climate-control system, wine racking, flooring, door and lighting are installed properly for you to be worry-free about your wine’s safety.

Wine Cellars by Coastal Creates Stellar Wine Cellar Designs

Learn more about Coastal has to offer by visiting their website at or request for a FREE 3D wine cellar design.

Wine Cellar Installations California – Laguna Beach Project by Coastal

Wine Cellar Installations California – Laguna Beach Project (A Processed Video Transcription)

Wine Cellar Installations California – Laguna Beach Project

Hey, we’re in Laguna Beach, California today and we’re going to take a short tour of a wine cellar installations California project that we actually completed last spring, I think April or May.  So let’s walk up the drive and take a look.

A Climate Controlled Wine Cellar – CellarPro Wine Cellar Cooling Units

CellarPro Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

CellarPro Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

We’re standing in the garage, so we’ll talk about the cooling unit.  This is the rear of a self-contained cooling unit.  These CellarPro wine cellar cooling units can deal with temperatures up to 110 degrees external temperature.

We don’t have to worry about it too much because we’re in Laguna Beach.  This is what the back side of the wine cellar cooling unit looks like.

The cut air exhaust comes out from the top here.  This is the filtration system for the intake and this comes in fiber glass replaceable filters or you can get a permanent aluminum frame and an aluminum filter that can be washed.

The Entryway Way – A Dual Paned Glass Wine Cellar Door

Barolo Wine Cellar Door

Barolo Wine Cellar Door

Okay, let’s take a look at the cellar.  When you come down this hallway it’s a little cramped down here.

The first thing you’ll notice is the wine cellar door that we provided the customer; it’s called a Barolo style wine cellar door.  It’s a dual pane insulated glass and gives a full view into the wine cellar.

All of our doors come with not only the dual pane glass, the stain, the finish, the casement molding (which is the trim around the perimeter of the door), weather stripping, the jamb, automatic door sweeps; in short, this door is ready to drop into any opening.  They are custom built to fit your particular opening.

Wine Storage and Wine Display Furniture

Quarter Round Wine Display Rack

Quarter Round Wine Display Rack

Let’s take a look at the inside of the wine cellar.  First you’ll notice on the left side of the wine room is this beautiful quarter round wine display rack.

Not only can you store large format bottles like 3-liter bottles, but it is also an excellent place to display some decorative items such as decanters.  It just makes a nice finish end to a length or a run.

For the most part these are 750 ml bottle openings.  These openings are 3 3/4″ x 3 3/4″ so they will accommodate just about any size bottle into the opening, including standard champagne, California blue chips, and Oregon Pinots.

Just below the cubbyholes, we’ve got a high reveal wine display row.  These are pitched to a 15 degree angle that not only allows you to show off your favorite labels, but also a good management tool because you can store wines above and below the wine display area.

Custom Sized Openings for Wood Cases

Custom Sized Openings for Wood Cases

At the very bottom, we created custom-size openings for the wood cases that he likes to collect and display.  As we pan towards the back of the wine room, here you can see we have some odd corners and turns that we had to make and so our installer Kyle did a great job in keeping that continuity and flow.

Single Bottle and Bulk Wine Storage

High Reveal and Horizontal Label Forward Wine Display

High Reveal and Horizontal Label Forward Wine Display

As we come to the right side of the wall, it’s more of the same thing – single bottle storage openings and high reveal wine display.  But in this particular wall, just below the display row, we have a horizontal label forward wine display.

Depending on the size of the bottle, this particular bottle is a magnum (or 1.5 L), but if you’re storing Bordeaux style bottles, you can store easily three deep in this particular opening.  So a total of six bottles can be potentially stored in this area.

Just below the horizontal display, we’ve got diamond bins for bulk storage.  This is a great way to manage wines for those of you who buy in 6 packs, 12 lots, that sort of thing.

This is what we call our regular arch, which has a beautiful whittle board effect or appearance and solid tabletop.  We’ve created an opening for puck lights and just above the arch is another horizontal opening for large format displays.

The Arch and Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

The Arch and Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

The cooling unit, as what we talked about earlier, is a CellarPro self-contained cooling unit.  This does not require professional installation, refrigerant lines, and drain lines.

You simply have the wine cellar installations expert create an opening on the wall, just slightly larger than the actual physical dimensions.  Put it in the wall, seal around it, and plug it in and your wine room’s cool.

LED Wine Cellar Lighting

We will talk a little bit about the wine cellar lighting.  Earlier we mentioned that we provided LED lighting for these display rows, so it will illuminate some of your favorite bottles.

We also included a puck light to illuminate the tabletop area.  The question I get from a lot of folks is what about the light fixtures for the ceiling?  What should I use?

Wine Cellar Lighting System

Wine Cellar Lighting System

Well, the answer is really not an answer because just about any light fixture can be used.  Of course, the height of your cellar would determine that.

In this particular case we were supplied with a low profile track wine cellar lighting and it’s somewhat directional.  Those can be turned to feature any portion of the wine cellar you’d like.

This light fixture here, the LED lights, and these two areas are actually on separate toddles.  Control the mood and the lighting by using one of the appropriate toddles.

Jerry Wilson, Founder and Senior Design Consultant at Coastal

Jerry Wilson, Founder and Senior Design Consultant at Coastal

All in all a fun wine cellar installations California project to work with and we’ll certainly like to help you design your project if you have one.  Reach out to us via our website or call me at 949-355-4376949-355-4376.


Residential Wine Cellar Under the Stairway Closet California Installation

Residential Wine Cellar Under Stairway Closet California Installation – A Processed Video Transcription

Hello and thank you for visiting Coastal Custom Wine Cellars!

I’m going to take you on a tour of a small wine cellar conversion project that we recently completed in Southern California, and then we’ll take a look at the design package for this particular residential wine cellar California project as well.  This is a closet that was situated underneath the stairway.

Residential Wine Cellar Under Stairway Closet California Installation

As you enter, it is certainly tall enough to walk into and maneuver for about 4 feet and then it rapidly descended to about a 5 feet height and took a right under 3 feet.  It is limited in size because the back wall here is an exterior wall and made refrigeration method quite easy to select and to install.

Residential Wine Cellar Design – The Drawings

Let’s take a look at the drawings and then we’ll come back to some of the completed pictures of the residential wine cellar.  This is an overhead view of the wine room.

The entry is up here on the top left and the walls are labeled A, B, C, and D, all the perimeter dimensions are posted, and on the top right of every page, in this particular page, you get the total capacity of 404 bottles.  There’s not a lot of room to enter the area.

Wine Cellar Drawing Overhead View

Wine Cellar Drawing Overhead View

So, this Elevation A we utilized a 6″ deep component that will lay the bottles sideways.  We’ll take a look at that in a moment, but they’re label forward horizontal displays inverses a 13 1/2″ deep rack, which certainly allowed for more room to maneuver in the wine room and certainly didn’t impede the entry.

Elevation A was label forward horizontal displays.  They stair step down to allow for the change in height of the ceiling because of the stair.  The side elevations show the depths of the wine rack and we’ve got the height at its highest point.

Elevation B is the back wall across from the entry.  It’s the exterior wall I mentioned and we’ve got a series of X-bins for bulk storage below, a little bit of single bottle storage above that before we hit a display row.

Wine Display Area

This is called a high reveal display row and as you’ll see here from the side view it’s pitched to the 15 degree angle so the liquid stays in contact with the cork.  We’ve got a beautiful way to display the wines, lending some character to the area.

High Reveal Display Row

High Reveal Display Row

It’s a good management tool because you can place like wines above and below the display row.  Nestled back deep in the wine cellar is the end wall.

We actually placed a wine cellar cooling unit.  The reason this is a bit shorter than the other racks is because we placed the wine cellar cooling unit right above here, which we’ll see in some of the photographs.

Wine Racks Design Specifications

This small rack made a transition from the back wall to the right side wall and then as we come back towards the entry, we’ve got some bin storage, open bins for bulk and some more single bottle storage.

These are 3D visuals of the area, as you can see the entry and how it kind of made that L-shaped back to the rear portion here.  It turned out nice.  I think you’ll agree when you take a look at some of these photos.

3D Design - Residential Wine Cellar California

3D Design – Residential Wine Cellar California

This wine cellar was created in a Philippine mahogany and we put what’s called a Chappo stain on it with a clear lacquer finish to give it a little bit of a luster.  This is the entry, obviously after.

Wine Cellar Art Painting by Janina Pazdan

Wine Cellar Art Painting on the Wall and Ceiling

Wine Cellar Art Painting on the Wall and Ceiling

We had an artist come in and do some faux painting.  The theme of this wine cellar art by Janina Pazdan is a grapevine.

If you live in Southern California, specifically Los Angeles and Orange County, we could make her services available to you as well.  You see a little bit of that faux wine cellar art painting here on the slope ceiling, that’s the left side as you enter.  The back wall with the X cubes.

Oak Wine Barrel Flooring

Oak Wine Barrel Flooring

Oak Wine Barrel Flooring

We also utilized oak barrel series flooring.  These are random links of tongue and groove style boards.  They actually have some stampings or brandings from the cooperage on the top of the barrel.

These are the display row.  Isn’t that beautiful?  LED lighting, by the way, is on a separate switch with a dimmer so we can control the mood.

Here’s a little close up picture of some of the cooperage flooring, and our base molding.  A close up of our LED lights.  We had a little patching to do here, but that was remedied.

Split Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

WhisperKOOL Split Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

WhisperKOOL Split Wine Cellar Cooling Unit

This is a WhisperKOOL Platinum mini split wine cellar cooling unit and it easily keeps the room at 55 to 57 degrees, minimal noise.  As a matter of fact, I don’t think you would hear the noise anywhere but inside the wine cellar.  You won’t hear it outside the residential wine cellar.

That’s me after a couple of glasses of wine.  Cheers!

Wine Cellar Conversion - Before and After Photos

Wine Cellar Conversion – Before and After Photos





Completed Residential Wine Cellar California

Completed Residential Wine Cellar California